A model law to tackle violence against women

Farah Kobaissy Gender, Violence Against Women and Girls

In December Oxfam’s partner in Lebanon, KAFA, launched a ‘Regional Model Law on Violence against Women and Girls in the Arab Countries.’ Here Farah Kobaissy reflects on this historic step for women’s rights in the region. Our region is characterized by gender inequality. Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is largely seen as a private issue – to be dealt …

Now is the time for women’s rights in the Middle East

Farah Kobaissy Active citizenship, Gender, General

The realization of women’s rights and gender justice in the Middle East and North Africa is inseparably entwined with conflict resolution and peace building efforts explains Farah Kobaissy. “No matter where you are, everyone says that now is not the time to talk about these issues. There is no such thing as women’s rights. We are in times of war, …