The clean energy transition needs to be fast – but it must also be fair

Ruth MayneClimate Change, Inequality, Research

Dante Dalabajan and Ruth Mayne introduce a new Oxfam research report – produced by staff and partners from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, US and Europe. The paper investigates the implications of the clean energy transition for lower-income countries and communities and asks how the world can achieve a truly just, as well as fast, transition.

Inspiring Radically Better Futures

Ruth MayneActive citizenship, Influencing, Participation and Leadership

The Inspiring Better Futures case study series is a collective endeavour with contributions from many people around the world. Hope has been quite the buzzword in 2020. And hope is surely needed given that 2020 has seen the collision of multiple crises: the climate emergency, economic inequality, gender injustice, racial inequality and the coronavirus pandemic. This collision of crises has …

What really influences our behaviours?

Ruth MayneInfluencing, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

We are re-running this blog in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was originally published in 2019. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the importance of individuals adopting particular behaviours for the benefit of everyone in society. Emphasis has been placed on regular handwashing, social distancing, and on wearing face masks. But what is it that really hits home and ensures …

How can we help avert climate breakdown?

Ruth MayneClimate Change, Influencing

Drawing on her research and her own experiences Ruth Mayne, Oxfam’s senior researcher on Influencing, reflects on what more might be done to achieve a fast and fair transition to a zero carbon future and what role civil society and governments might play? We have 11 years to avert climate breakdown. As Christiana Figueres has said, we are on an accelerating …

Findings from a meta-review of influencing initiatives

Ruth MayneActive citizenship, Governance, Influencing, Real Geek, Research

Ruth Mayne shares learning from a recent meta-review of Oxfam and partners’ policy influencing, citizen’s voice and governance initiatives around the world.  NB. This blog post deals with the findings of the influencing meta-review. In the next couple of weeks we will publish a separate post from the authors of the review explaining their methodology. Sign up for our Real …

Influencing behaviours and practices to tackle poverty and injustice

Ruth MayneGeneral, Influencing, Methodology, Research

Ruth Mayne, a senior researcher on influencing, introduces the key themes of a new discussion paper on behaviour and practice change. Behaviour change strategies can play a vital role in combating poverty, injustice and environmental problems, whether by helping end gender based violence, improving health and hygiene behaviours, or reducing resource-intensive consumption patterns. But do we really understand how to …

How Oxfam has influenced for change over the last 75 years

Ruth MayneActive citizenship, General, Influencing

In advance of the Oxfam Research Network’s Evidence for Influencing conference (Soesterberg, Netherlands, 23-24 October), Ruth Mayne, Chris Stalker and Andrew Wells-Dang look back over Oxfam’s history of influencing and future challenges.  Influencing policymakers is in Oxfam’s genes. Right from its inception in 1942, Oxfam called on Prime Minister Winston Churchill to lift the Allied blockade of Nazi-occupied countries to …

Influencing for social justice: nudge, shove, show or shout?

Ruth MayneActive citizenship, General, Governance, Influencing

What do, closed door talks with civil servants about climate change, street theatre about the impacts of domestic violence, and anti-tax haven marches have in common? Answer: They’re all about influencing for a fairer, safer, greener world. Sally Golding and Ruth Mayne introduce the what, how and why of ‘influencing’ in the first of a new series of blog posts. …