How can the UK government justify arms sales that fuel the war in Yemen?

Laura GyteConflict, Food security, Humanitarian, In the news, Protection

Laura Gyte describes why Oxfam intervened in a court case brought against the UK government over arms sales. UPDATE: on 20 June the Court of Appeal ruled that UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia are unlawful. In April, the Court of Appeal heard a claim brought by Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) on whether the UK government’s decision to …

Are Communal Tiger Worm Toilets a sustainable option for camps?

Dr Claire FurlongHumanitarian, WASH Impact Series, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

We tested Communal Tiger Worm Toilets in challenging conditions in Myanmar, and evaluated their sustainability. The ‘Tiger Team’ talk us through their findings. As increasing numbers of people are living in camp settings for longer, we need more sustainable alternatives to commonly used pit latrines.  Tiger Worm Toilets (TWTs) are a novel sanitary solution that contain composting worms to digest …

How small and regular design tweaks can make a big difference to latrine use

Tanya Glanville-WallisEmergencies, Humanitarian, Refugees and IDPs, Violence Against Women and Girls, WASH Impact Series, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Communications Advisor, Tanya Glanville-Wallis, talks us through the process of developing Sani Tweaks—a series of communications tools for technical staff, promoting best practices in sanitation. Visiting the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, I reflected on just how few women use emergency latrines. Having worked in the humanitarian sector for years, using camp latrines is nothing new to me. Yet …

If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it: Quality in WASH responses

James BrownEmergencies, Emergency, General, Humanitarian, Methodology, WASH Impact Series, Water, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

As we launch our WASH Impact Series, Oxfam’s Quality Assurance Project Manager, James Brown introduces a new global initiative to help organisations focus on achieving quality in humanitarian WASH responses. What would a quality assurance system for humanitarian WASH programming look like? That’s the question being explored by the Quality Assurance and Accountability Project, a Global WASH Cluster initiative led …

Standing up for women’s rights and local leadership in Uganda

Elizabeth StevensGender, Governance, Humanitarian, Participation and Leadership, Refugees and IDPs, Violence Against Women and Girls

Elizabeth Stevens describes how a small, local NGO has had an outsized impact on Uganda’s refugee response. Heart, guts, big ideas, and an investor. If you are launching a tiny women’s organization into the rough-and-tumble world of humanitarian response, you had better have all four. That’s what I concluded from my time with African Women and Youth Action for Development …

Handwashing innovation

Joel TrotterEmergencies, Humanitarian, Innovation, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Joel Trotter describes how it feels to see Oxfam’s brand-new handwashing kit tested, refined, and ready to go into action. Oxfam’s Promotion and Practice Handwashing Kit is a robust, user-friendly handwashing station that is easily assembled in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. It allows for improved, timely handwashing and reduces people’s health risks in emergency displacement camps. It was …

Reinventing the toilet

Brian McSorelyEmergencies, General, Humanitarian, Innovation, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Brian McSorley on Oxfam’s contribution to ensuring the poorest people on the planet have access to a loo. Earlier this month, Bill Gates stood up to address an international conference holding a jar full of human faeces.  In a sector that has been underfunded and overlooked for decades, The Gates Foundation has been a disruptive and positive force in raising …

The future of humanitarian water provision is solar

Brian McSorelyHumanitarian, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

For World Water Week, Oxfam Engineering Adviser Brian McSorley reflects on the achievements of the Global Solar Water Initiative and the potential of solar water pumps to transform lives and ways of working. Solar power offers so many possibilities for development and humanitarian aid, from lighting, to internet connectivity and water provision. If you are involved in helping communities access …