Technical learning from the meta-analysis of women’s empowerment projects

Kristen McCollumGender, Methodology, Real Geek

Kristen McCollum, consultant at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), shares with us the learning from Oxfam’s meta-analyses on women’s empowerment. When we first decided to conduct a meta-analysis on women’s empowerment Effectiveness Reviews (ERs), the idea was to go where no impact evaluation had gone before. While the Effectiveness Reviews give us a rigorous measurement of the impact …

Findings from a meta-review of influencing initiatives

Ruth MayneActive citizenship, Governance, Influencing, Real Geek, Research

Ruth Mayne shares learning from a recent meta-review of Oxfam and partners’ policy influencing, citizen’s voice and governance initiatives around the world.  NB. This blog post deals with the findings of the influencing meta-review. In the next couple of weeks we will publish a separate post from the authors of the review explaining their methodology. Sign up for our Real …

Findings from a meta-analysis of women’s empowerment projects

Simone LombardiniGender, General, Real Geek, Women's Economic Empowerment

What overall impact are Oxfam’s women’s empowerment projects having? Simone Lombardini and Kristen McCollum attempted to answer this question by conducting a meta-analysis of our effectiveness review evaluations. Here Simone shares the key findings. After over six years conducting impact evaluations of women’s empowerment projects, I am very pleased to share our lessons from a recent meta analysis. ‘Using internal …

What we’ve learnt about sharing real-time data

Simone LombardiniGeneral, ICT4D, Real Geek, Research

At Oxfam we are continually developing our use of digital technology for surveys. Here Simone Lombardini and Emily Tomkys Valteri reflect on lessons learnt from the process of using and sharing real-time data during fieldwork to conduct Oxfam’s Effectiveness Reviews. In 2015 Oxfam’s Impact Evaluation Advisers started using digital devices to conduct household surveys for Oxfam’s Effectiveness Reviews (ex-post, quasi-experimental …

Global innovations in measurement and evaluation

Ruth GripperMethodology, Real Geek

In the latest for our Real Geek series, Ruth Gripper from NPC delves into the latest innovations for measurement and evaluation.  If I asked you what were the most exciting developments in measurement and evaluation today—things that are going to shape practice in the years to come—could you pick a list? Exploring innovations in measurement and evaluation Call it brave …

Agile research in the risky realities of the Central African Republic

Irene GuijtGeneral, Humanitarian, Methodology, Real Geek, Research

Conducting research in volatile locations like the Central African Republic (CAR) requires the agility to constantly adapt. Irene Guijt and Franziska Mager report back from a recent trip with unexpected twists and turns. Conducting research in a country like the Central African Republic with chronic conflict – and around half a million internally displaced people (1/8th of the national population!) …

Matching by Coarsened Exact Matching?

Marcella VigneriGeneral, Real Geek

Marcella Vigneri introduces a new technique for matching data as part of the programme impact evaluation process. REAL GEEK This blog series is aimed at anyone with an interest in research, evaluation and adaptive learning. Global Impact Evaluation Advisers routinely face the challenge of how to re-create samples of units (be it individuals, families, farmers, or group members) with the …

How do we measure women’s empowerment?

Simone LombardiniGender, Real Geek

Empowering women and supporting gender equality is the stated aim of many development projects. Often these projects are asked to monitor and evaluate the extent to which their work is contributing to achieving greater empowerment, but there is little guidance on how to do it. In this blog Simone Lombardini presents a new guide to measuring women’s empowerment in Oxfam …

FAQ: How can I measure household income? (Part 2)

Simone LombardiniICT4D, Methodology, Real Geek

In the second of a two-part blog on measuring household income, Oxfam GB’s Impact Evaluation Advisers explain their approaches to measuring household wealth. ncreasing household income is the final outcome indicator for many development projects. Given this, as Impact Evaluation Advisers, it is unsurprising that we are often asked how to measure it for monitoring or impact evaluation assessments. Last …

FAQ- How can I measure household income? (Part 1)

Simone LombardiniMethodology, Real Geek

In the first of a two-part blog unpacking the above question, Oxfam GB’s Impact Evaluation Advisers explain their approaches to measuring household consumption. In Part 2 next week: strategies for measuring household wealth. or this reason, in our impact evaluations of livelihoods projects (Effectiveness Reviews) we do not to attempt directly collecting data on total household income. Instead, in order …