Being a better partner in conflict situations

Mark GoldringConflict, Fragile contexts, General, Research

A new report from Oxfam and International Alert looks at how violent conflict impacts local civil society and how international partners respond. Here Harriet Lamb, CEO of International Alert and Mark Goldring, CEO of Oxfam GB, reflect on the key findings and their implications for future and current partnerships in conflict. Violent conflicts cast a shadow every day over millions …

How we used behavioural insights for digital campaigning

Jacco VlastuinInfluencing, Methodology, Research

Jacco Vlastuin, Digital Campaigner at Oxfam Novib, shares his presentation on behavioural insights for digital campaigning from the recent Evidence for Influencing conference.  #Throwback Last Tuesday I had the honour of  hosting one of the breakout sessions during the #OxfamEvidence conference. A session where I focused on behavioural insights, influencing and framing. The insights I presented were learnt from a …

How can NGOs get better at using evidence to influence governments and companies?

Duncan GreenInfluencing, Methodology, Research

Duncan Green reflects on the Oxfam Research Network’s recent ‘Evidence for Influencing’ Conference, Organised by the Oxfam Research Network and hosted by Konkatkt de Kontinenten in the Netherlands.  This week I attended an ‘Evidence for Influencing’ conference in the Netherlands. A couple of Oxfam colleagues had started planning it as a small event, and then found such interest in the topic that …

Evidence for influencing: why we’re excited about the first Oxfam Research Network conference

Irene GuijtInfluencing, Research

For social justice what needs to change, who holds the power and how do we achieve it? Irene Guijt and Irene de Goede introduce first conference on the evidence processes needed for influencing, where these questions and more will be discussed with 150 experts from Oxfam and the wider sector. Influencing for social justice is a journey during which many …

Putting people’s voices first

Deborah SambuICT4D, Methodology, Research

Using innovative research approaches, Africa’s Voices Foundation share how they use technology to reach the hardest to reach.  Development and governance should be led by the views of those who are affected by its implementation. This is our goal as Africa’s Voices Foundation. By using innovative research approaches, we help to open communication channels between organisations and communities, so that …

Podcast: Book banter

jamesBook Banter, Inequality, Research

[buzzsprout episode=’2559250′ player=’true’] Franziska Mager and Deborah Hardoon take to the air waves to share their thoughts on two books that deal with the economy, wealth and inequality. The Great Escape, by Angus Deaton, and Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong by Morten Jerven.

Agile research in the risky realities of the Central African Republic

Irene GuijtGeneral, Humanitarian, Methodology, Real Geek, Research

Conducting research in volatile locations like the Central African Republic (CAR) requires the agility to constantly adapt. Irene Guijt and Franziska Mager report back from a recent trip with unexpected twists and turns. Conducting research in a country like the Central African Republic with chronic conflict – and around half a million internally displaced people (1/8th of the national population!) …

How humanitarian effectiveness reviews impact our WASH programming

jamesMethodology, Research, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

How Oxfam is using monitoring and evaluation to improve programming on water, sanitation and hygiene in Zimbabwe and beyond. By Katie Whitehouse (Global Urban WASH & Markets Advisor, Oxfam) and Parvin Ngala (WASH & Markets Project Manager, Oxfam Zimbabwe). A key challenge for the sector is translating monitoring and evaluation activities into programme change in the future. The recent publication of WASH …

Inequality is worse than you think. And yes, we have the data

Nick GalassoInequality, Methodology, Research

Our recent report on global inequality faced criticism from some voices in the sector and beyond. Nick Galasso explains why the critics are wrong and why we’re so sure of our data. Oxfam’s recent assessment on the growing global gap between the rich and the poor is shocking: just 8 men now have as much wealth as the poorest 3.6 …

Capitalising on research and translating it into action

Nina GoraRefugees and IDPs, Research

Nina Gora, Gender lead at Oxfam in Greece, shares approaches for meaningful research dissemination that helps to reduce duplication and leads to collective action. he majority of humanitarian and development proposals and subsequent programmes contain a research or assessment component. Whether intended to better understand the context, the communities with which we work or the approaches we have tried, or …