Whether in Asia, Africa or North America, it’s been a profitable polycrisis for billionaires

Anthony KamandeInequality, Research, Tax

Around the world it seems the pandemic and surging food and fuel prices have actually boosted the wealth of the super-rich, even as they pushed hundreds of millions of ordinary people into misery and penury, says Anthony Kamande in our second blog for Davos 2023

Asian countries are making women and carers pay a painful price for austerity

Myrah Nerine ButtResearch, Violence Against Women and Girls, Women's Economic Empowerment

A recent analysis by Oxfam ranked Asia as the worst global region for investment in public services. In our final blog for the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, Myrah Nerine Butt spells out how such economic policy choices add up to structural violence against Asian women

Motivating people to take action: towards an Asian narrative on tax justice and financial transparency

Amy CroomeActive citizenship, Economics, Inequality, Influencing, Tax

Amy Croome, from Oxfam GB, interviews fellow researchers, and civil society actors, on approaches, challenges, and opportunities to tax justice in Asia. For two days academics, activists and civil society actors came together in Delhi to discuss tax justice, illicit financial flows and tax havens in Asia.  A key theme was the important role of narratives in motivating people to …

A new model for economic growth and youth inclusion

Nicholas TaylorNew Urbanism, Youth

Investing in the skills of young people, start ups and the sharing economy, could be key to fostering socially inclusive economic growth in Asia, argues urban development consultant Nicholas Taylor. Our cities, their inhabitants, and our planet are in danger from cascading sets of urban woes including unsafe housing, rising waters, increased incidences of natural disasters, temperature extremes, inequitable development, …