DAC criteria: The hand that rocks the cradle

Stephen PorterMethodology, Real Geek

Stephen Porter gives his thoughts on the OECD’s latest consultation on the revision of the Development Assistance Committee’s evaluation criteria (DAC criteria). The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has launched a consultation on revising the Development Assistance Committee’s (DAC) evaluation criteria through a survey. The DAC criteria are important because they inform how international development is undertaken within commitments …

A twin mandate for DFID – what does this mean?

Multiple authorsAid, Inequality

Oxfam’s policy team present their vision for the UK’s aid programme to tackle both poverty and inequality. The Shadow Secretary of State for International Development used her first major speech to announce that any future Labour government would instate a dual poverty/inequality mandate for the Department for International Development (DFID). Oxfam has long warned of the risks of growing extreme …