Why the campaign for reparations must put gender justice at its heart

Lurit Yugusuk and Hazel BirungiLand rights, Research, Women's Economic Empowerment

Millions of women in the Global South earn a pittance, own no wealth or land and do far more unpaid care than men – and much of their condition today can be traced back to the economic devastation caused by both colonialism and the extractive economic system it created. That’s why any plan for redress must include justice for women. In the latest blog in our World Economic Forum series, Lurit Yugusuk and Hazel Birungi set out five ways to do that…

Get ready for the new trillionaire class: whose wealth will be built not on merit but inheritance, monopoly – and the legacy of colonialism

Anjela TanejaIn the news, Inequality, Research

The world looks set to see five trillionaires by the end of the decade — and more billionaires are now being created through inheritance than entrepreneurialism. Anjela Taneja and Harry Bignell introduce Oxfam’s 2025 Davos report, which reveals the scale of unearned wealth — and how those riches are built on a colonial legacy of exploitative global systems.

Global South feminists know how our fixation with GDP hurts people and planet: it’s time to listen to them

Halima BegumGender, Power Shifts, Research

The world needs to stop relying on a metric that ignores two thirds of the work done by women and which promotes harmful policies, says Oxfam GB CEO Halima Begum. A new collection of feminist think pieces offers a compelling and inspirational tour of the arguments and pathways for moving Beyond GDP.

Five good reasons for the UK to back a global plan to fairly tax the super-rich at the G20

Claire Arthur-LusbyIn the news, Inequality, Influencing

Brazil wants world leaders to work together on fair taxes for the super-rich. With inequality skyrocketing and the escalating climate crisis, Britain should seize its chance to support that, says Claire Arthur-Lusby.

How billionaire ‘pollutocrats’ are driving our climate crisis – and what we can do about it

Nafkote DabiClimate Change, Inequality, Research

If everyone used private jets and superyachts like 50 of the world’s richest billionaires, the remaining carbon budget to stay within 1.5C would be burned up in just two days. Nafkote Dabi introduces Oxfam’s new climate report, which spells out how the emissions of the super-rich are driving inequality, hunger and heat-related deaths.

Book Review: Power to the People: Use Your Voice, Change the World, by Danny Sriskandarajah

Duncan GreenActive citizenship, Innovation, Power Shifts

From ‘liquid democracy’, to the ‘underground fungal network’ of citizenship that supports progressive change, the former Oxfam GB CEO offers lots of useful ideas about how the 21st century can live up to its initial promise as the ‘century of the citizen’, says Duncan Green.

Why feminists are rejecting the cult of growth

Rachel NobleEconomics, Gender, Research

When oil spills and the production of weapons are good for growth and GDP, isn’t it time we changed our economic goals and how we measure them? Rachel Noble and Anam Parvez Butt report back from an impassioned session at the International Association for Feminist Economics conference, where scholars and activists called for nations to stop pushing growth at all …

People before profits: why we need responsible businesses

Fiona JardenClimate Change, Events, Private sector

The future of business lies in being “regenerative by design” and looking for alternatives to the shareholder-first model. Fiona Jarden and Winne van Woerden share insights from last year’s Oxfam Novib forum about responsible business.

My mum’s death makes me want a care revolution

Ruth HannanInfluencing, Poverty in the UK, Women's Economic Empowerment

Carers don’t want to be ‘saints’ or ‘angels’, says Ruth Hannan: they just want the same opportunities as everyone else. In a blog for Carers Week in the UK, she says we need to look way beyond sticking-plaster solutions such as respite breaks to radical measures that deliver real economic justice.