Bernie Sanders on billionaires, inequality and the fight against ‘global oligarchy’

Bernie SandersIn the news, Inequality, Research

We’re delighted that Senator Bernie Sanders has written a foreword to this year’s Davos report. Here are his powerful thoughts on our bleak economic reality – but also reasons to be hopeful as more and more people join the fight for economic justice.

Whether in Asia, Africa or North America, it’s been a profitable polycrisis for billionaires

Anthony KamandeInequality, Research, Tax

Around the world it seems the pandemic and surging food and fuel prices have actually boosted the wealth of the super-rich, even as they pushed hundreds of millions of ordinary people into misery and penury, says Anthony Kamande in our second blog for Davos 2023

Inequality and violence

Deborah HardoonInequality

In this blog Deborah Hardoon explores the wider social impact of inequality, and in particular the relationship between inequality and violence. At Oxfam, I have focused my research on the evidence behind our global campaign on inequality, which highlights the trend of extreme and rising inequality. At the global level, we found that 62 individuals have the same amount of …