In our second blog for Pride month, Natalia Marsicovetere highlights how widespread violence and a growing backlash against rights for LGBTQIA+ people mean that communities need to mobilise to protect human rights.
El intento de Guatemala de prohibir los derechos de las personas LGBTQIA+ refleja lo lejos que estamos de lograr la igualdad
En marzo, el país estuvo a punto de aprobar una ley para prohibir el matrimonio igualitario y la educación sexual integral-LGBTQIA+ en las escuelas, así como para endurecer las penas por el aborto. En nuestra última entrada del blog sobre el mes del orgullo, Natalia Marsicovetere destaca la urgente necesidad de fortalecer la coalición por la justicia que logró poner freno a esta ley (English version below)
Guatemala’s attempted ban on LGBTQIA+ rights shows just how far we are from equality
In March, the country very nearly passed legislation to ban same-sex marriage and LGBTQIA+-inclusive sex education in schools – as well as increasing criminal penalties for abortion. In our latest blog for Pride month, Natalia Marsicovetere highlights the urgent need to build on the coalition for justice that stopped it
On human rights, the US must repair, reflect, and re-engage
On January 16, Julio David González Arango, an Indigenous land defender involved in peaceful resistance to a mining operation in Guatemala, was shot in his home. The next day, two other defenders – Juan Eduardo Donis and Pablo Adolfo Valenzuela – received text messages saying that “they would be next.” Tragically, this incident is all too familiar to activists and human rights …