What worked, what didn’t – and what we need to change: looking back on a decade of Oxfam’s impact

Katrina Barnes Climate Change, Fragile contexts, Gender, Research

Katrina Barnes introduces a new analysis that brings together over 100 impact evaluations of Oxfam projects between 2011 and 2021 – and sets out how we are reimagining the way we define and measure “impact” to better reflect the priorities of people we work with.

Fairer procurement: The equitable business tool

Alex Maitland Inequality, Private sector

Today, Oxfam launches a new procurement tool to help buying teams source products from fairer businesses. Alex Maitland, who developed the tool, describes the unique approach we have taken, and looks to its potential for reducing inequality in global supply chains. Growing inequality in global supply chains is a barrier to a decent standard of living for many workers and …