Get ready for the new trillionaire class: whose wealth will be built not on merit but inheritance, monopoly – and the legacy of colonialism

Anjela TanejaIn the news, Inequality, Research

The world looks set to see five trillionaires by the end of the decade — and more billionaires are now being created through inheritance than entrepreneurialism. Anjela Taneja and Harry Bignell introduce Oxfam’s 2025 Davos report, which reveals the scale of unearned wealth — and how those riches are built on a colonial legacy of exploitative global systems.

As global water runs dry, how can we make sure billions don’t get cut off?

Jo TrevorClimate Change, Inequality, Water

Over two billion people lack access to safe drinking water – and the situation is set to become bleaker still because of climate change, say Jo Trevor and Padmini Iyer. How do we build equitable and collective approaches to global water security that uphold everyone’s basic right to clean water?

How billionaire ‘pollutocrats’ are driving our climate crisis – and what we can do about it

Nafkote DabiClimate Change, Inequality, Research

If everyone used private jets and superyachts like 50 of the world’s richest billionaires, the remaining carbon budget to stay within 1.5C would be burned up in just two days. Nafkote Dabi introduces Oxfam’s new climate report, which spells out how the emissions of the super-rich are driving inequality, hunger and heat-related deaths.

Governments across the globe are giving up on the fight against inequality: here’s what they should do instead…

Anthony KamandeEconomics, Inequality, Research

New Oxfam analysis shows global Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) has just hit a new low. Anthony Kamande shares insights from Oxfam’s biannual CRI report that ranks 164 countries’ policies – and offers three big policy changes that should be firmly on the agenda at this week’s World Bank/IMF annual meetings.

When will the ‘grand bargain’ deliver a better deal for women’s organisations in Pakistan?

Sarah ZafarHumanitarian, Participation and Leadership, Power Shifts

How can local Women’s Rights Organisations benefit from the global pledge to channel 25% of global humanitarian funding to groups like theirs when they haven’t even heard of it? Sarah Zafar and Shahnawaz Ali on insights from conversations with Pakistani WROs into what they need to flourish.

The men are gone – but the patriarchy remains: the struggles of women left behind in Syria’s ‘no-man land’

Dania KarehFragile contexts, Gender, Women's Economic Empowerment

Years of conflict have led to thousands of men dying or being pushed away. Now, says Dania Kareh, the women who remain face a huge challenge as stubborn social, economic and educational barriers frustrate their efforts to build decent lives for their families.

Hope In The Shadows: A Call For Transformation

Aleema ShivjiEconomics, Inequality, Tax

Extreme levels of inequality cast shadows over the lives of billions of the world’s poorest people. We must see the faces behind the statistics, says Oxfam GB’s Chief Impact Officer Aleema Shivji, and sound the alarm for change: to empower workers, break up monopolies and tax the ultra-rich. These are not mere “policy recommendations” – they are pathways to change for the lives of countless individuals.