Years of conflict have led to thousands of men dying or being pushed away. Now, says Dania Kareh, the women who remain face a huge challenge as stubborn social, economic and educational barriers frustrate their efforts to build decent lives for their families.
Hope In The Shadows: A Call For Transformation
Extreme levels of inequality cast shadows over the lives of billions of the world’s poorest people. We must see the faces behind the statistics, says Oxfam GB’s Chief Impact Officer Aleema Shivji, and sound the alarm for change: to empower workers, break up monopolies and tax the ultra-rich. These are not mere “policy recommendations” – they are pathways to change for the lives of countless individuals.
Spare us the token gestures: International Women’s Day must be a call to action for economic justice
Globally, men own $105 trillion more wealth than women. So today of all days we need to talk about how our global economic system just isn’t working for women, says Dana Abed, as Oxfam launches its #HerMoneyMatters campaign.
We are closer to seeing the world’s first trillionaire than ending poverty: that’s why we need fair taxes now
Oxfam’s new Davos report highlights how our economic system funnels billions to billionaires while ordinary workers lose. A big part of the solution has to be new wealth and windfall taxes, including a European wealth tax, says Chiara Putaturo.
Face à l’écart de richesse scandaleux de 100 000 milliards de dollars entre les femmes et les hommes, verra-t-on enfin à Davos la promotion d’une économie qui fonctionne réellement pour les femmes ?
Avec des milliards de femmes encore sous-payées, exploitées et portant le poids de l’injustice qui prévaut dans les politiques fiscales, de soin et climatiques, nous voulons savoir comment l’élite de Davos contribuera à la construction d’une économie féministe pour demain, déclarent Lurit Yugusuk et Imali Ngusale du réseau du développement et de communication des femmes africaines, FEMNET (read blog in English at the link below)
Bernie Sanders on billionaires, inequality and the fight against ‘global oligarchy’
We’re delighted that Senator Bernie Sanders has written a foreword to this year’s Davos report. Here are his powerful thoughts on our bleak economic reality – but also reasons to be hopeful as more and more people join the fight for economic justice.
The $100-trillion gender wealth gap is an outrage: can Davos get behind a global economy that actually works for women?
With billions of women still underpaid, exploited and bearing the brunt of unjust tax, care and climate policies, we need to hear how the Davos elite will play its part in building a feminist economic future, say Lurit Yugusuk and Imali Ngusale of the African Women’s Development and Communication Network, FEMNET.
Corporate power is out of control: here are four ways it pushes up inequality
Whether they are funnelling billions of profits to wealthy shareholders rather than workers, or dodging taxes that could pay for decent health and schools, companies must be held to account for driving our global inequality crisis. Anthony Kamande shares key insights from Oxfam’s Davos 2024 report, Inequality Inc.
Inclusive language, taxing the super-rich and a feminist alternative to GDP… top reads of 2023
Catch up on the top Oxfam papers and blogs of last year.
Mia Mottley on Slavery, Poverty, George Floyd, Climate and the Future of the World
‘I felt like we were seeing a future UN Secretary General in action…’ Duncan Green on Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley’s jaw-dropping ‘grand sweep’ of a speech at the LSE