What worked, what didn’t – and what we need to change: looking back on a decade of Oxfam’s impact

Katrina BarnesClimate Change, Fragile contexts, Gender, Research

Katrina Barnes introduces a new analysis that brings together over 100 impact evaluations of Oxfam projects between 2011 and 2021 – and sets out how we are reimagining the way we define and measure “impact” to better reflect the priorities of people we work with.

Wanted! MEL specialist on fragile and conflict affected contexts

Marta ArranzMethodology, Real Geek

Marta Arranz  reflects over the role of monitoring and evaluation in fragility and conflict programming and talks about a new exciting role in Oxfam GB. onitoring, evaluation and learning is a vital part of Oxfam’s work in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. We’re looking for a creative, experienced technical specialist to push our thinking and practice on monitoring Evaluation and Learning …

Unleash the real geeks

Simone LombardiniICT4D, Real Geek

Simone Lombardini introduces our new series ‘real geek’, Research, Evaluation and Adaptive Learning (Generating Evidence and an Enthusiasm for Knowledge), blogs for anyone who sees research, measurement and evaluation as essential tools for learning, adaptation and ultimately improved impact. his is the first of a series of blogs where Oxfam’s technical advisers, researchers and programme colleagues will share questions, learning, …