Tired old narratives such as care is not ‘real’ work need to be challenged. Sanika Sawant, Alex Bush, Anam Parvez Butt, Blandina Bobson, Silvia Galandini and Regis Mtutu on new Oxfam research from Kenya, Zimbabwe and the UK that tested new narratives with exciting potential to build government and public support for care, carers and informal workers.
3 things we learnt from the practice of 9 influencing networks
Marieke Meeske and Saskia van Veen share some of the learning from a recently published book by Oxfam Novib called Beating the Drum: Stories of Influencing Networks. The book explores the practical experiences of nine influencing networks around the world and their efforts to influence decision-makers on a variety of issues. Issues include land rights, the abolition of nuclear weapons, …