How can INGOs shift power in partnerships to build climate resilience?

Jessica ValeraniClimate Change, Innovation, Power Shifts

Convening, brokering and co-creating must be at the heart of how INGOs such as Oxfam work in future with urban communities to build resilience to climate shocks. Jessica Valerani introduces a new paper that draws lessons from a recent collaboration between communities, governments, the UN and Oxfam in south-eastern Africa.

Six things INGOs must do to fund local partners fairly

Dominic VickersInnovation, Participation and Leadership, Power Shifts

Why are local organisations still missing out on funds for overheads that don’t just keep the lights on but are vital to their survival? Dominic Vickers reports back on a webinar that brought SIDA, UNHCR, Oxfam and Development Initiatives together to tackle the thorny problem of ICR, or Indirect Cost Recovery.

How do you define unpaid care? Insights from Timor-Leste

Therese JohnsonGender, Research, Women's Economic Empowerment

As in so many places, care roles in Timor-Leste are gendered but, says Therese Johnson, Oxfam research also highlights local differences in what people recognise as “unpaid care” – especially in a subsistence economy with lots of other unpaid labour. This blog is the second in our series around the International Day of Care.

How can businesses show they really care about carers?

Fatema Tuz JohooraLivelihoods, Private sector, Women's Economic Empowerment

Firms that boost support for workers with unpaid care and domestic work responsibilities are waking up to the fact that this not only enhances women’s rights and wellbeing, but also productivity. In the first in a blog series for the International Day of Care, Fatema Tuz Johoora, Achmad Fuad Fathurrahman and Leah Payud share insights from pilots in Indonesia and the Philippines of an Oxfam care toolkit for business launching soon.

Be humble – and don’t compete: how INGOs can choose solidarity with local organisations

Carlos MejiaInfluencing, Participation and Leadership, Power Shifts

When a well-known INGO establishes a national office it needs to be careful not to poach opportunities and funding from existing local organisations. Carlos Mejía reflects on what he has learned about being a good ally as the first leader of one of Oxfam’s newest affiliates, Oxfam Colombia.

Five ways to tackle discrimination against Roma people displaced by war in Ukraine

Padmini IyerRacial justice, Refugees and IDPs, Research

Powerful, first-hand accounts and evidence gathered by local NGOs show how Roma fleeing Ukraine’s war have been frozen out of the support offered to many other refugees. Padmini Iyer and Sarah Redd introduce a new report that reveals the scale of discrimination facing Roma seeking refuge – and set out five actions that could transform their lives.

Who is heard – and who is believed? How understanding power is essential to reporting misconduct in the aid sector

Ania GabouneProtection, Research, Violence Against Women and Girls

Ania Gaboune introduces a new Oxfam report that analyses innovative work in Ghana and Iraq to address barriers to reporting misconduct – and sets out how projects can develop more accessible, survivor-centred reporting mechanisms.

How firms can push for more women leaders in their supply chains – with the help of a new gender toolkit

Jiselle SteeleGender, Private sector, Women's Economic Empowerment

Jiselle Steele on key barriers for women seeking senior roles in supply chains – and how the Oxfam Business Advisory Service worked with Tesco to help suppliers tackle the obstacles. You can also find out more about the new Supplier Gender Toolkit at our webinar on September 19th.

How can firms measure progress to gender equality in their supply chains?

Jiselle SteeleAgriculture, Gender, Private sector

Jiselle Steele of the Oxfam Business Advisory Service introduces the “Gender Transformative Tracker”, piloted by Oxfam and stakeholders in the seafood industry in south-east Asia – and draws out four key insights from the pilot for boosting gender equality. Read her blog below and join the OBAS webinar on 18th July to find out more.

What worked, what didn’t – and what we need to change: looking back on a decade of Oxfam’s impact

Katrina BarnesClimate Change, Fragile contexts, Gender, Research

Katrina Barnes introduces a new analysis that brings together over 100 impact evaluations of Oxfam projects between 2011 and 2021 – and sets out how we are reimagining the way we define and measure “impact” to better reflect the priorities of people we work with.