FAQ: How can I measure household income? (Part 2)

Simone LombardiniICT4D, Methodology, Real Geek

In the second of a two-part blog on measuring household income, Oxfam GB’s Impact Evaluation Advisers explain their approaches to measuring household wealth. ncreasing household income is the final outcome indicator for many development projects. Given this, as Impact Evaluation Advisers, it is unsurprising that we are often asked how to measure it for monitoring or impact evaluation assessments. Last …

FAQ- How can I measure household income? (Part 1)

Simone LombardiniMethodology, Real Geek

In the first of a two-part blog unpacking the above question, Oxfam GB’s Impact Evaluation Advisers explain their approaches to measuring household consumption. In Part 2 next week: strategies for measuring household wealth. or this reason, in our impact evaluations of livelihoods projects (Effectiveness Reviews) we do not to attempt directly collecting data on total household income. Instead, in order …

Measuring time: Comparing questionnaire designs

Simone LombardiniMethodology, Real Geek

Simone Lombardini compares duration, estimates and enumerator’s bias from two different time-use survey modules from the same impact evaluation survey in Indonesia. npaid care work and ‘ Time Poverty‘ are increasingly recognised as relevant to development efforts, and interest in measuring time-use data is growing. However, gathering information on time use is not easy; time-use modules are known for being …