Three ways INGOs can shift power in humanitarian response: lessons from Ukraine

Isabelle TallecHumanitarian, Power Shifts, Refugees and IDPs

In the run-up to World Humanitarian Day this week, Isabelle Tallec looks at Oxfam’s locally led response to the Ukraine crisis, working with dozens of local and community organisations to support the most marginalised groups of refugees and displaced people.

Why women humanitarian workers matter

Julie LafrenièreGender, Gender & Development Journal, Humanitarian

August 19 is World Humanitarian Day, when we mark the work done by humanitarian staff all over the world, who often risk their lives to support people affected by crises. This year is dedicated to women; the thousands of women working on the front lines in their own communities in some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous places. Women …

Yemen: civilians are not a target

Alexandros YiannopoulosConflict, Humanitarian

This World Humanitarian Day, following a recent airstrike on a school bus, Alexandros Yiannopoulos explains why Oxfam is calling for a ceasefire to protect civilians in Yemen. In Northern Yemen last week, as I was preparing to write this blog, 41 children on a school trip were killed by a Saudi Coalition airstrike. All loss of life is a tragedy, …

Vlog: Have you ever had a poo in the dark?

Kerry AkersHumanitarian, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Oxfam’s Protection Project Manager, Kerry Akers, vlogs about research into the use of lighting around latrines in emergencies. Partnered with the Water Engineering and Development Centre at Loughborough University to undertake research, with the support of the Humanitarian Innovation Fund, the research aims to establish how best to decrease the perceived risk of GBV around WASH facilities.

In the line of fire: a humanitarian security officer’s life

Rod SlipHumanitarian

Humanitarian security officers face some of the toughest job environments. For World Humanitarian Day  Rod Slip shares some stories from risky and dangerous situations.  In the course of my humanitarian career, with Oxfam a lot of the time, I have had the dubious honour of being shot at, shelled, been under rocket barrage and air-raids and found myself in the …

Podcast: Protecting civilians in conflict

Rachel HastieConflict, Humanitarian, Protection

[buzzsprout episode=’2559253′ player=’true’] As a result of conflict, the world today is faced with huge challenges in protecting civilians. In Yemen, Syria and South Sudan, infrastructures have been destroyed and thousands of people are forced to flea, or face the risks of disease, famine or harm. NGOs and relief agencies play a large role in the protection of civilians, from …