Motivating people to take action: towards an Asian narrative on tax justice and financial transparency

Amy CroomeActive citizenship, Economics, Inequality, Influencing, Tax

Amy Croome, from Oxfam GB, interviews fellow researchers, and civil society actors, on approaches, challenges, and opportunities to tax justice in Asia. For two days academics, activists and civil society actors came together in Delhi to discuss tax justice, illicit financial flows and tax havens in Asia.  A key theme was the important role of narratives in motivating people to …

Fighting inequality through tax and budget work

Nguyen Thu HuongInequality, Tax

Today Oxfam and its partners releases the Fiscal Justice Global Track Record, a report on advancing rights through tax and budget work. Below are several commentaries from Oxfam staff highlighting the importance of tackling injustice through tax and introduce our new programme FAIR – Fiscal Accountability for Inequality Reduction. n Vietnam we are monitoring and influencing how tax money is raised, who pays …