Can selling water and sanitation services to people living in poverty be inclusive and equitable?

Tom Wildman Private sector, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Tom Wildman, Oxfam GB’s Senior Advisor on WASH Market Development, outlines the debate that took place at this year’s Water & Health Conference, and summarises the key areas where differing perspectives came together. Market-based approaches to water and sanitation have grown in their scale and scope within the past decade, reflecting two glaring realities: those providing water and sanitation services …

Taking emergency water, sanitation and hygiene to market

Esther Shaylor Humanitarian, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Esther Shaylor explains how Oxfam is working with other NGOs to share learning about providing emergency water, sanitation and hygiene using local markets. In recent years there has been a change in how we deliver humanitarian aid. The humanitarian sector as a whole is moving away from distributing food and other items, and, through research and practice, is working out …

Reaching refugees and boosting small businesses in Bangladesh

Corrie Sissons Emergency, Food & livelihoods, Humanitarian, Refugees and IDPs

By providing emergency cash or vouchers Oxfam can help people in crisis to get desperately needed food and other items, while boosting local businesses at the same time. Corrie Sissons explains what this looks like in Oxfam’s Rohingya Crisis response. At Oxfam we help those in crisis to meet their emergency needs in a way which does no harm. This …