The power of radio

Shivanee HarsheyGender, ICT4D

For World Radio Day Shivanee Harshey explains how Oxfam India was able to take their message about gender based violence to new audiences through a popular radio show. Radio is a powerful means of communicating at scale. You can make good radio, interesting radio, compelling radio even, without an urgent question or a burning issue. In the development sector our …

Putting people’s voices first

Deborah SambuICT4D, Methodology, Research

Using innovative research approaches, Africa’s Voices Foundation share how they use technology to reach the hardest to reach.  Development and governance should be led by the views of those who are affected by its implementation. This is our goal as Africa’s Voices Foundation. By using innovative research approaches, we help to open communication channels between organisations and communities, so that …

Taxation conversation over the airways

Sue MooreICT4D, Inequality, Tax

Based on conversations with those involved, Sue Moore reflects on a recent programme to encourage discussion on how the government spends taxes in Kenya and improve understanding of tax compliance behaviour. Tax is a hot topic for Kenyans with many public conversations around how the government raises and spends this revenue. Kenya’s constitution recognises the right to public participation in …