Six things INGOs must do to fund local partners fairly

Dominic VickersInnovation, Participation and Leadership, Power Shifts

Why are local organisations still missing out on funds for overheads that don’t just keep the lights on but are vital to their survival? Dominic Vickers reports back on a webinar that brought SIDA, UNHCR, Oxfam and Development Initiatives together to tackle the thorny problem of ICR, or Indirect Cost Recovery.

A deep-dive into the practice of influencing networks

Marieke MeeskeActive citizenship, Participation and Leadership

In July 2020 Oxfam Novib launched the book ‘Beating the Drum: Stories of Influencing Networks’ [available in English and French]. The book, which is part of a comprehensive learning trajectory on ‘worldwide influencing networks’ (WIN), explores the practical experiences of nine influencing networks around the world and their efforts to influence decision-makers on a variety of issues. Issues include land rights, the abolition of nuclear weapons, …