What worked, what didn’t – and what we need to change: looking back on a decade of Oxfam’s impact

Katrina Barnes Climate Change, Fragile contexts, Gender, Research

Katrina Barnes introduces a new analysis that brings together over 100 impact evaluations of Oxfam projects between 2011 and 2021 – and sets out how we are reimagining the way we define and measure “impact” to better reflect the priorities of people we work with.

How can we persuade firms to improve employees’ lives? Here’s what I’ve learned during a decade in workers’ rights…

Rachel Wilshaw Living wage, Private sector, Rights

Oxfam’s workers’ rights expert Rachel Wilshaw shares six insights from her experiences of working with companies to drive progress on decent wages and conditions.

A deep-dive into the practice of influencing networks

Marieke Meeske Active citizenship, Participation and Leadership

In July 2020 Oxfam Novib launched the book ‘Beating the Drum: Stories of Influencing Networks’ [available in English and French]. The book, which is part of a comprehensive learning trajectory on ‘worldwide influencing networks’ (WIN), explores the practical experiences of nine influencing networks around the world and their efforts to influence decision-makers on a variety of issues. Issues include land rights, the abolition of nuclear weapons, …

What really influences our behaviours?

Ruth Mayne Influencing, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

We are re-running this blog in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was originally published in 2019. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the importance of individuals adopting particular behaviours for the benefit of everyone in society. Emphasis has been placed on regular handwashing, social distancing, and on wearing face masks. But what is it that really hits home and ensures …

Evidence for influencing: why we’re excited about the first Oxfam Research Network conference

Irene Guijt Influencing, Research

For social justice what needs to change, who holds the power and how do we achieve it? Irene Guijt and Irene de Goede introduce first conference on the evidence processes needed for influencing, where these questions and more will be discussed with 150 experts from Oxfam and the wider sector. Influencing for social justice is a journey during which many …