What worked, what didn’t – and what we need to change: looking back on a decade of Oxfam’s impact

Katrina BarnesClimate Change, Fragile contexts, Gender, Research

Katrina Barnes introduces a new analysis that brings together over 100 impact evaluations of Oxfam projects between 2011 and 2021 – and sets out how we are reimagining the way we define and measure “impact” to better reflect the priorities of people we work with.

Sampling strategies for gendered impact evaluations

Alexia PretariGender, Real Geek

How can evaluators ensure that gendered power dimensions are accounted for in impact evaluations? Alexia Pretari reflects on the relative merits of two approaches. Oxfam’s approach to building resilience involves bringing about changes ‘in the very structures that cause and maintain poverty and injustice’ (transformative capacity), and building active citizenship involves addressing power imbalances, including building power within. While working …

Accommodating uncertainty in advocacy and campaign evaluation

Jim CoeMethodology, Real Geek

Jim Coe and Rhonda Schlangen, experienced advocacy evaluators, discuss the evolving challenge of monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning in the context of influencing work. Over the last couple of decades, there has been a seismic shift in thinking about evaluating influencing work. As we argue here, we need to think critically about where we’ve got to and how to manage …

Using tech for feedback and complaints in Gaza and the West Bank

Nahed NatshehICT4D

Oxfam in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel is trialling the use of a mobile tool to collect, manage and respond to feedback. Nahed Natsheh outlines the benefits of using this technology. Using information communication technology (ICT) for data collection is not new to Oxfam in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel (OPTI), but we have never before used it …

A feminist approach to monitoring and evaluation

Irene MuñozGender, General, Methodology

Irene Muñoz introduces our discussion paper on how to apply feminist principles to program monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning. Some time ago Oxfam’s staff, partners and external experts came together to reflect about the relevance for women’s rights of being able to capture, measure and perceive transformational change. They came up with a declaration about the feminist principles that should …

Matching by Coarsened Exact Matching?

Marcella VigneriGeneral, Real Geek

Marcella Vigneri introduces a new technique for matching data as part of the programme impact evaluation process. REAL GEEK This blog series is aimed at anyone with an interest in research, evaluation and adaptive learning. Global Impact Evaluation Advisers routinely face the challenge of how to re-create samples of units (be it individuals, families, farmers, or group members) with the …

How humanitarian effectiveness reviews impact our WASH programming

jamesMethodology, Research, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

How Oxfam is using monitoring and evaluation to improve programming on water, sanitation and hygiene in Zimbabwe and beyond. By Katie Whitehouse (Global Urban WASH & Markets Advisor, Oxfam) and Parvin Ngala (WASH & Markets Project Manager, Oxfam Zimbabwe). A key challenge for the sector is translating monitoring and evaluation activities into programme change in the future. The recent publication of WASH …

Reviewing humanitarian evidence

Lisa WalmsleyHumanitarian

The Humanitarian Evidence Programme is delighted to announce the launch of its series of eight systematic reviews. Over the last few years we’ve been working with teams of researchers, practitioners and consultants from academic institutions and NGOs to map out the existing evidence critically appraise it and synthesise the results in response to key questions in eight practice areas. Each …

Wanted! MEL specialist on fragile and conflict affected contexts

Marta ArranzMethodology, Real Geek

Marta Arranz  reflects over the role of monitoring and evaluation in fragility and conflict programming and talks about a new exciting role in Oxfam GB. onitoring, evaluation and learning is a vital part of Oxfam’s work in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. We’re looking for a creative, experienced technical specialist to push our thinking and practice on monitoring Evaluation and Learning …

Rising to the challenge: Measuring an expanding concept of resilience in Oxfam’s impact evaluations

Jonathan LainMethodology, Real Geek

Resilience has become central to the development sector in recent years, but conceptually it is still in a state of flux. In this blog post, we explore some of the new challenges associated with measuring the expanding concept of resilience in Oxfam’s impact evaluations or ‘Effectiveness Reviews’. esilience keeps getting bigger. What started off as an ambitious attempt to meld …