Book Review: Power to the People: Use Your Voice, Change the World, by Danny Sriskandarajah

Duncan GreenActive citizenship, Innovation, Power Shifts

From ‘liquid democracy’, to the ‘underground fungal network’ of citizenship that supports progressive change, the former Oxfam GB CEO offers lots of useful ideas about how the 21st century can live up to its initial promise as the ‘century of the citizen’, says Duncan Green.

Health, wealth and the great escape out of poverty

Franziska MagerBook Banter, General, Inequality

Could the history of the last 250 years provide the clues to ending poverty and inequality? Angus Deaton’s book The Great Escape makes a compelling case for improving global well-being by addressing health and wealth. Franziska Mager, Research Assistant, reviews the book as part of our new Book Banter series. Book Banter Are you looking for some inspiring reading? Short …

Have economists got Africa wrong?

Deborah HardoonBook Banter, General

Deborah Hardoon, Oxfam’s Deputy Head of Research, kicks off a new series of book reviews for those who want to delve deeper into development and humanitarian issues, beginning with Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong by Morten Jerven. Book Banter Are you looking for some inspiring reading? Short on time or don’t know where to begin? Oxfam’s researchers review their latest …