[buzzsprout episode=’2559244′ player=’true’] Esther Shaylor talks to Andy Bastable, Oxfam’s expert on public health engineering, about the challenge of providing sustainable sanitation in emergencies. What happens when toilets in camps are not well planned out? How and why should tiger worms and urine dry diversion toilets be used? Find out more: Our work on water, sanitation and hygiene
Podcast: Key requirements for INGOs to make true on the ‘Localisation of Aid’ agenda
[buzzsprout episode=’2559247′ player=’true’] Many INGOs have made commitments to support reform in the Humanitarian System, specifically to ensure that local and national humanitarian actors can take a more prominent role in coordinating and implementing emergency responses. What are the challenges INGOs like Oxfam face in realising this ‘Localisation of Aid’ agenda? We spoke to the Oxfam in Iraq team for …
Podcast: Book banter
[buzzsprout episode=’2559250′ player=’true’] Franziska Mager and Deborah Hardoon take to the air waves to share their thoughts on two books that deal with the economy, wealth and inequality. The Great Escape, by Angus Deaton, and Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong by Morten Jerven.
Podcast: Protecting civilians in conflict
[buzzsprout episode=’2559253′ player=’true’] As a result of conflict, the world today is faced with huge challenges in protecting civilians. In Yemen, Syria and South Sudan, infrastructures have been destroyed and thousands of people are forced to flea, or face the risks of disease, famine or harm. NGOs and relief agencies play a large role in the protection of civilians, from …
Podcast: Are cash transfers the answer to humanitarian aid?
[buzzsprout episode=’2559259′ player=’true’] In this podcast we speak with Alex Jacobs, Director of the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), on the challenges and opportunities around cash transfers in humanitarian response. Alex answers questions such as: How do they work? What are the benefits? When are they not appropriate to use? And how do NGOs need to adapt?
Podcast – Tiger worms: An innovative solution to sanitation
[buzzsprout episode=’2559256′ player=’true’] In the first of our new podcast series on humanitarian learning, we’re diving into the world of tiger worms. Oxfam’s Sophie Mack Smith talks to Angus McBride, Public Health Engineering Team Leader. Speaking to her from Ethiopia, Angus tells us how these worms are being tested in refugee camps and why they could be the answer to some of …