Spare us the token gestures: International Women’s Day must be a call to action for economic justice

Dana AbedEconomics, Influencing, Women's Economic Empowerment

Globally, men own $105 trillion more wealth than women. So today of all days we need to talk about how our global economic system just isn’t working for women, says Dana Abed, as Oxfam launches its #HerMoneyMatters campaign.

As austerity devastates women’s lives, we want to highlight the economic face of gender-based violence

Dana AbedResearch, Violence Against Women and Girls, Women's Economic Empowerment

As governments across the globe slash social protection and public services, that will hurt millions of women and girls, who will be pushed into poverty, exploitation, ill health and insecurity. That’s why, says Dana Abed, during this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Oxfam will be highlighting the devastating impact of austerity on women, girls and non-binary people