Top Resources for Global Handwashing Day

Beth DonkinWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Global Handwashing Day takes place on the 15th of October. This year it comes with added prominence in our calendar. Coronavirus has heightened the importance of handwashing across the world. In the humanitarian and development sector, handwashing has long been central to disease prevention and programme design.   In this blog, we’ve compiled some of our most popular resources on everything handwashing. From tools …

What really influences our behaviours?

Ruth MayneInfluencing, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

We are re-running this blog in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was originally published in 2019. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the importance of individuals adopting particular behaviours for the benefit of everyone in society. Emphasis has been placed on regular handwashing, social distancing, and on wearing face masks. But what is it that really hits home and ensures …

A user-centred handwashing kit for emergencies

Foyeke TolaniEmergencies, Innovation, WASH Impact Series, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Foyeke Tolani, Public Health Promotion Adviser and Project Coordinator, describes how a collaboration with a UK school sparked the process of developing Oxfam’s innovative new handwashing kit. For over a decade, we had been exploring handwashing kit options to replace the Tippy Tap. The Tippy Tap requires lots of promotion for sustained use, and as a device it is not …

Handwashing innovation

Joel TrotterEmergencies, Humanitarian, Innovation, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Joel Trotter describes how it feels to see Oxfam’s brand-new handwashing kit tested, refined, and ready to go into action. Oxfam’s Promotion and Practice Handwashing Kit is a robust, user-friendly handwashing station that is easily assembled in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. It allows for improved, timely handwashing and reduces people’s health risks in emergency displacement camps. It was …