When inclusion is an illusion: sign language interpreters and the pitfalls for ‘inclusive’ development

Julia ModernDisability, Research, Rights

How did a meeting for disabled people in Uganda end up using sign language that local deaf people couldn’t understand? Julia Modern reflects on how that failure is rooted in racialised ideas about who is an expert – and shares six tips for effective deaf inclusion. (And you can also watch a Ugandan Sign Language translation of the blog.)

Who is heard – and who is believed? How understanding power is essential to reporting misconduct in the aid sector

Ania GabouneProtection, Research, Violence Against Women and Girls

Ania Gaboune introduces a new Oxfam report that analyses innovative work in Ghana and Iraq to address barriers to reporting misconduct – and sets out how projects can develop more accessible, survivor-centred reporting mechanisms.

Words matter: that’s why Oxfam is launching an inclusive language guide

Helen WishartInfluencing, Power Shifts, Rights

What do you think of the term “developing countries”? Ever felt uncomfortable saying “beneficiaries”? Helen Wishart introduces Oxfam’s new inclusive language guide and sets out why it’s time for all of us in NGOs to consider the power in the words that we use…

Young feminists driving change

Imogen DaviesActive citizenship, Gender & Development Journal, Participation and Leadership, Rights, Violence Against Women and Girls, Youth

Imogen Davies, Oxfam GB’s Global Adviser on Youth, Gender & Active Citizenship, and co-editor of the latest issue of Gender & Development, describes the political approaches young feminist movements are taking to reshape the international development landscape. There are more young people alive today than there ever have been before. Almost one person in four is aged 10-24, with 90 per …

The intersection of inequality and climate change

Dustin BarterClimate Change, Food & livelihoods, Inequality

Dustin Barter reflects on the glaring contrast between his recent experience of the California wildfires, and the harsh realities of climate change for many. Both inequality and climate change are hot topics, gaining traction as the bleak effects set in, but the intersection of the two demands far more attention and action. If we want to get serious on climate …

What does it mean to be a responsible evaluator? Five key reflections from the 13th EES Biennial Conference

Marta ArranzEvents, Gender, Real Geek

In this blog, Marta Arranz, Andrea Azevedo and Alexia Pretari share their reflections from the 13th European Evaluation Society (EES) Biennial Conference, commenting on some of the emerging debates, and inviting other evaluators to join in and share their views. It was our first EES conference and we were approaching it with curiosity and excitement. Three intense days ahead. A …

Visions of a feminist future

Srushti MahamuniGender

What would a truly feminist world look like? Srushti Mahamuni explores the visions shared by representatives of feminist organizations and Oxfam staff at a recent learning event. Imagine its 2050 and you wake up one bright and sunny morning – the world as you know it has changed, for the better. It’s an inclusive, diverse and respectful world – it …

Gender, development, and the challenge of intersectionality

Marion SharplesGender, General

On International Women’s Day Marion Sharples from the Gender and Development Network reflects on the importance of understanding intersecting oppressions. In the field of gender and development, intersectionality has emerged as a new framework for understanding oppression and building inclusion—but it has proven a difficult concept to put into practice. The Gender & Development Network (GADN), a London-based network with …

Why access to water may not benefit all women equally

Stephanie LederGender, Gender & Development Journal, General, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

In a study of water projects in Western Nepal Stephanie Leder and Floriane Clement found that community dynamics impacted on planning processes. As a result the more marginalized and disadvantaged women were less likely to benefit from improved water supplies. (Stephanie and Floriane, with Emma Karki, authored an article for the WASH issue of Gender & Development ). Global discourses …