‘It feels like a more innocent time for Oxfam and for our belief in progress’: looking back on Make Poverty History 

Dominic VickersAid, Debt, Influencing

Twenty years after he watched Nelson Mandela’s rousing launch speech in Trafalgar Square, Dominic Vickers reflects on the impact of the landmark Make Poverty History campaign for trade justice, debt relief and better aid – and wonders if a new generation can take up the cause again. 

Want to tackle inequality? Start with fair taxes and giving the Global South a real voice at the IMF and World Bank

Anthony KamandeIn the news, Inequality, Research

Global inequality will continue to spiral in a skewed system of international finance and governance that heavily favours the Global North, says Anthony Kamande in the latest blog in our Davos series.

Will growth be enough to end poverty by 2030? It really doesn’t look like it…

Arief Anshory YusufEconomics, Inequality, Research

Our sobering analysis shows the world looks set to miss the UN’s flagship development goals for 2030 by a wide margin. That means millions of lives blighted unnecessarily by sickness, poverty, and death unless we see radical policy changes, say Arief Anshory Yusuf, Zuzy Anna, Ahmad Komarulzaman and Andy Sumner.

Strengthening and making Mexico’s working women’s political voices heard

Norma Iris Cacho NinoGender, Her Series, Land rights, Participation and Leadership, Women's Economic Empowerment

The 13th AWID International Forum takes place this week. Jana introduces us to why Oxfam Mexico and the National Coordination of Human Rights Defenders of Women’s Labor Rights(Mexico) will be present. xfam Mexico and the National Coordination of Human Rights Defenders of Women’s Labour Rights will be present at the 13th AWID International Forum. This group was created in 2013 …