Inadequate climate action helped fuel Scotland’s political turmoil: here’s how credibility can be rebuilt

Jamie Livingstone Climate Change, In the news, Influencing

Ditching a supposedly legally binding emissions reduction target helped to drive Scotland’s First Minister out of office. Whoever is in charge next must rekindle the leadership that, just two years ago, saw Scotland become the first nation to commit funds to address losses and damages caused by climate change, says Jamie Livingstone.

When the farm is gone – but the loan remains: how can we build climate-resilient microfinance?

Rita Abiodun Agriculture, Climate Change, Innovation

When floods destroyed one Pakistani farmer’s crops and income, they also destroyed her ability to get and repay the credit on which she, like millions of smallholders, depends. Rita Abiodun looks at a programme that offers much more protection from climate shocks to microfinance users.

What would a feminist loss and damage fund look like?

Myrah Nerine Butt Climate Change, Gender, Research

Myrah Nerine and Alex Bush introduce a new paper that calls on decision makers at COP28 to pay attention to the gendered impacts of the climate emergency.

Want to understand the trauma of climate loss and damage? Listen to the voices of Southern Africans who are living it

Juliet Suliwa Kasito Climate Change, Events, Research

With world leaders at COP27 under pressure to act on loss and damage finance, Juliet Suliwa Kasito shares insights from conversations in Malawi and Zimbabwe – and draws out recommendations for policy makers, including to focus more on ‘intangible’ damage, such as psychological distress

Are you a rich country trying to dodge paying for climate damage? Here are tactics that have worked for decades

Lyndsay Walsh Climate Change, Drought, Influencing

As the Loss and Damage Collaboration launches a new report ahead of COP27, Lyndsay Walsh reveals the blocking tactics wealthy countries have used to avoid paying for climate loss and damage. But could COP27 be the moment they run out of excuses for delay?

The $100 billion dollar question: what does the latest OECD report tell us?

Tracy Carty Climate Change

Climate change is deadly, costly, and those least responsible for causing it are being hardest hit. In 2009 developed countries* committed to mobilise $100 billion per year by 2020 to help developing countries adapt to climate change and reduce their emissions. Two weeks ago Oxfam published its Shadow report on climate finance 2020 which assesses progress towards that goal based …