Inadequate climate action helped fuel Scotland’s political turmoil: here’s how credibility can be rebuilt

Jamie Livingstone Climate Change, In the news, Influencing

Ditching a supposedly legally binding emissions reduction target helped to drive Scotland’s First Minister out of office. Whoever is in charge next must rekindle the leadership that, just two years ago, saw Scotland become the first nation to commit funds to address losses and damages caused by climate change, says Jamie Livingstone.

As UN experts call for an end to greenwashing, it’s time for companies to step up on net zero

Danielle Smith Climate Change, Private sector

Companies in the richest countries have still not agreed to climate measures that are in line with staying below 1.5 degrees. Danielle Smith and Hilde Stroot welcome new guidance from a UN panel, released at COP27, to push action by firms on corporate net-zero plans – and set out five key ways in which its recommendations will lead to climate justice.

Want to understand the trauma of climate loss and damage? Listen to the voices of Southern Africans who are living it

Juliet Suliwa Kasito Climate Change, Events, Research

With world leaders at COP27 under pressure to act on loss and damage finance, Juliet Suliwa Kasito shares insights from conversations in Malawi and Zimbabwe – and draws out recommendations for policy makers, including to focus more on ‘intangible’ damage, such as psychological distress