This is our story of natural disaster – and, for once, it’s told entirely by us

Ernest Ta'asiDisasters, Innovation, Participation and Leadership

None of the roles in a powerful recent film about South Pacific islanders reacting to a cyclone is played by a professional actor, says Oxfam’s Ernest Ta’asi. Instead, the actors and script writers all came from the island community – in what may be a game-changer for NGO storytelling

What do small women’s rights organisations want from INGO funders? Less red tape and a seat at the table

Laura NormanGender, Innovation, Women's Economic Empowerment

In the first of a series of blogs for International Women’s Day, Laura Norman and Mona Mehta set out three things women’s rights organisations want from international NGOs – and how Oxfam is responding with an innovative fund that aims to give women activists real power to do what’s best for their communities

Standing up for women’s rights and local leadership in Uganda

Elizabeth StevensGender, Governance, Humanitarian, Participation and Leadership, Refugees and IDPs, Violence Against Women and Girls

Elizabeth Stevens describes how a small, local NGO has had an outsized impact on Uganda’s refugee response. Heart, guts, big ideas, and an investor. If you are launching a tiny women’s organization into the rough-and-tumble world of humanitarian response, you had better have all four. That’s what I concluded from my time with African Women and Youth Action for Development …