How can INGOs shift power in partnerships to build climate resilience?

Jessica ValeraniClimate Change, Innovation, Power Shifts

Convening, brokering and co-creating must be at the heart of how INGOs such as Oxfam work in future with urban communities to build resilience to climate shocks. Jessica Valerani introduces a new paper that draws lessons from a recent collaboration between communities, governments, the UN and Oxfam in south-eastern Africa.

What do refugees from across Africa want to tell the global forum?

Abbas KigoziEvents, Participation and Leadership, Refugees and IDPs

Abbas Kigozi, Robert Hakiza and JeanPaul Kasika on priorities of refugees in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, and Malawi that need to be heard at this week’s gathering in Geneva – including access to basic services, secure legal status and protection against forced returns.

Want to understand the trauma of climate loss and damage? Listen to the voices of Southern Africans who are living it

Juliet Suliwa KasitoClimate Change, Events, Research

With world leaders at COP27 under pressure to act on loss and damage finance, Juliet Suliwa Kasito shares insights from conversations in Malawi and Zimbabwe – and draws out recommendations for policy makers, including to focus more on ‘intangible’ damage, such as psychological distress

The value of partnership in boosting ambitious corporate commitments

Elen Newcombe-LingLivelihoods, Private sector

The need for bold commitment and action from the private sector The private sector – whether global multinationals or local businesses – has a huge impact on livelihoods and living conditions worldwide. But all too often, the actions (or inactions) of private sector actors can reinforce the systems that trap people in poverty. We urgently need fairer business models that …

The power of purple: changing attitudes in Malawi

Nikki van der GaagGeneral, Violence Against Women and Girls

Nikki van der Gaag, Oxfam GB’s Director of Women’s Rights, reports from rural Malawi, where Oxfam is working with the First Lady to end gender-based violence and promote gender equality. The excitement is palpable. The sun is already hot, but people are gathering in groups to sing and dance. All are in bright colours, but the two that dominate are …

Shaking up the system: Improving the tea industry and workers lives in Malawi

Daniel MorchainClimate Change, Food & livelihoods

One year into Malawi 2020 Daniel Morchain looks how some of the stakeholders are working with the tea labourers central to the project to ensure that the tea industry in Malawi meets its responsibilities and leads the way in being socially responsible, just and fair. alawi’s economy runs on tobacco, tea, sugarcane and coffee. In the Southern districts of Mulanje …