People before profits: why we need responsible businesses

Fiona Jarden Climate Change, Events, Private sector

The future of business lies in being “regenerative by design” and looking for alternatives to the shareholder-first model. Fiona Jarden and Winne van Woerden share insights from last year’s Oxfam Novib forum about responsible business.

Four ways to boost investment in women-led small businesses

Windy Massabni Private sector, Refugees and IDPs, Women's Economic Empowerment

Oxfam’s conversations and projects with entrepreneurs across the globe reveal a big gender gap in access to finance, says Windy Massabni. Women in business tell us that better support for them will include loan guarantees, alternative credit scoring systems and building the gender awareness of lenders.

Inclusive growth for more jobs for women and youth in the MENA region

Shekhar Anand Youth employment, Youth Participation

By Ahmed El Assal, Meta Bilgrav Bodenhagen and Shekhar Anand For growth to be inclusive, decent work must be equally accessible to women and men. The Youth Participation and Employment (YPE) program has been trying to meet this objective by addressing factors of inequality. Youth Participation and Employment (YPE) programme, implemented by Oxfam IBIS, in the framework of the Arab …

Ten lessons in promoting inclusive entrepreneurship program

Shekhar Anand Women's Economic Empowerment, Youth employment, Youth Participation

by Ahmed Elassal and Shekhar Anand Most countries in the MENA region continue to marginalize the most vulnerable adolescents and youth, particularly young women, poor, refugees or people with disabilities, impacting their ability to realize their full potential (UNICEF). Young entrepreneurs find it extremely difficult to run their micro enterprises, small businesses, and start-ups in the same manner as they were doing …

Increasing Participation & Creating Inclusive Employment Opportunities for Youth

Shekhar Anand Participation and Leadership, Youth employment, Youth Participation

by Ahmed Elassal and Shekhar Anand Oxfam’s Youth Participation and Employment (YPE) Program supported by the Danish Arab Partnership Program (DAPP) works with a wide range of partners in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia. The program developed interesting interventions for youth employment responding to the context, needs and factors such as skill levels of entrepreneurs, educational and geographic background, extent of exposure …