Face à l’écart de richesse scandaleux de 100 000 milliards de dollars entre les femmes et les hommes, verra-t-on enfin à Davos la promotion d’une économie qui fonctionne réellement pour les femmes ?

Lurit YugusukGender, In the news, Inequality

Avec des milliards de femmes encore sous-payées, exploitées et portant le poids de l’injustice qui prévaut dans les politiques fiscales, de soin et climatiques, nous voulons savoir comment l’élite de Davos contribuera à la construction d’une économie féministe pour demain, déclarent Lurit Yugusuk et Imali Ngusale du réseau du développement et de communication des femmes africaines, FEMNET (read blog in English at the link below)

The $100-trillion gender wealth gap is an outrage: can Davos get behind a global economy that actually works for women?

Lurit YugusukGender, In the news, Inequality

With billions of women still underpaid, exploited and bearing the brunt of unjust tax, care and climate policies, we need to hear how the Davos elite will play its part in building a feminist economic future, say Lurit Yugusuk and Imali Ngusale of the African Women’s Development and Communication Network, FEMNET.

Corporate power is out of control: here are four ways it pushes up inequality

Anthony KamandeIn the news, Inequality, Research

Whether they are funnelling billions of profits to wealthy shareholders rather than workers, or dodging taxes that could pay for decent health and schools, companies must be held to account for driving our global inequality crisis. Anthony Kamande shares key insights from Oxfam’s Davos 2024 report, Inequality Inc.

Think informal women workers don’t pay tax? Actually they pay more tax than Elon Musk…

Alex BushGender, Tax, Women's Economic Empowerment

The reality is that hundreds of millions of informal and unpaid women workers are paying way more than their fair share – while the super-rich avoid taxes with impunity. Alex Bush, Clare Coffey and Saleha Shah debunk some myths about tax and women’s informal work.

The super-rich pay lower taxes than you – and here’s how they do it…

Chiara PutaturoInequality, Research, Tax

How do the wealthy get away with paying a lower percentage of their income and wealth in taxes than ordinary people? A big part of the answer is that many of their fortune streams, from dividends to inheritance, are chronically undertaxed, says Chiara Putaturo in our latest blog for Davos 2023

Which governments really care about inequality? Not many, our new global index suggests

Anthony KamandeEconomics, Inequality, Research

As Oxfam launches its latest index that rates countries’ commitment to reducing inequality, Anthony Kamande reflects on how poor policy choices impacted his own family in Kenya, points out how ordinary people have lost out amid the pandemic and inflation, and highlights a few governments showing the way forward

Levelling up: how wealth taxes can reduce inequalities

Oliver PearceIn the news, Inequality, Poverty in the UK, Tax

How far will this week’s budget go in ‘levelling up’ the UK in line with the government’s stated aims? Whilst much of the public debate has centred on what changes to taxing and spending the new Chancellor Rishi Sunak could make, there has been less analysis about how proposed measures could reduce economic inequality, which is surely a key hallmark …

One year on from the Panama Papers: how well is the UK tackling tax avoidance?

Oliver PearceInequality, Tax

One year on from the leaking of the Panama Papers, Oli Pearce, Policy Manager at Oxfam GB,  explores how well the UK is dealing with tax avoidance.  If a week was a long time in Harold Wilson’s politics, then a year in the era of Trump’s tweets is something else. The election of Donald Trump to the American presidency and …