Three decades after the landmark Beijing declaration to advance women’s rights, right-wing, religious, and conservative actors are reversing and obstructing hard-won progress. This International Women’s Day, our new Oxfam campaign calls on governments across the globe to reassert their commitment to gender justice, bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights, say Lata Narayanaswamy and Amina Hersi.
Words matter: that’s why Oxfam is launching an inclusive language guide
What do you think of the term “developing countries”? Ever felt uncomfortable saying “beneficiaries”? Helen Wishart introduces Oxfam’s new inclusive language guide and sets out why it’s time for all of us in NGOs to consider the power in the words that we use…
Bread and roses – why we’re shining a light on feminist movements this March
Victoria Stetsko introduces Oxfam’s “Feminist Power” campaign for International Women’s Day, where we’ll be celebrating organisations across the globe fighting for rights and respect for women and queer people
Locked out. What do local leaders say about reforming the humanitarian system?
Amy Croome reports back on a very different kind of discussion on shifting power and resources – one led by local activists and organisations