What are the limitations of using GDP as a measure, and what alternatives could we use instead? Ridhi Kalaria shares her experience during the Women’s Budget Group’s Beyond GDP workshop in June and why we must look beyond GDP.
Inclusive language, taxing the super-rich and a feminist alternative to GDP… top reads of 2023
Catch up on the top Oxfam papers and blogs of last year.
A bi-regional care pact between Latin America and Europe can be a big step towards a world that truly supports carers
In the latest blog in our series around the first UN International Day of Care, Cristina Rovira Izquierdo sets out how LAC countries are leading the way on care-friendly policies – and calls on the EU to forge a partnership with them to reshape women’s lives across both regions.
A Flawed GDP Bypasses Women’s Unpaid Care Work
Nearly 90 billion hours of unpaid care work, without which economic growth would come to a halt, do not count as part of that growth. Professor Naila Kabeer explains why this makes the GDP a flawed metric. Last week the IMF offered a cautious estimate of positive global economic growth for this year, warning ‘we are on track, but not …
The Gross Domestic Problem: What Would A New Economic Measure That Values Women and Climate Look Like?
The fixation with measuring progress by Gross Domestic Product leads straight to gender injustice, austerity and environmental ruin. Anam Parvez Butt and Alex Bush introduce a new Oxfam discussion paper that aims to encourage debate about alternative metrics, and calls on advocates to join the “Beyond GDP” movement Illustration by Alex Bush Since its official adoption at the Bretton Woods …
Five things we need for a feminist economic future
Why is debt a feminist issue? And why is it time to advance alternatives to GDP? Rachel Noble reports back from an inspiring gathering of the International Association for Feminist Economics in Cape Town.
I’m an unpaid carer: I have no paid job – but I do have value
The value of unpaid care for disabled, ill and older people in the UK is equal to the entire budget of the NHS, yet it’s not even counted in our GDP. In a blog for Carers Week, Katy Styles explains why she founded the grassroots, volunteer-led We Care campaign to demand a new deal for the millions of invisible carers like her.