Cambodia’s women garment workers have been promised a decent life: now we must support them to claim their rights

Sopharith SinPrivate sector, Rights, Women's Economic Empowerment

The government is now offering maternity leave, a pension fund and other social benefits that could give women stability and security. Sopharith Sin and Roland Chauville explain how a new project will support them to get a better deal

Want motivated workers who feel their rights are respected? You need a proper grievance mechanism

Monica RomisInnovation, Private sector, Rights

How can companies set up robust systems to ensure they hear and act on workers’ complaints and concerns? Monica Romis of the Oxfam Business Advisory Service introduces a new grievance mechanism toolkit developed for Reckitt that will help tackle discrimination and inequality throughout global supply chains

El intento de Guatemala de prohibir los derechos de las personas LGBTQIA+ refleja lo lejos que estamos de lograr la igualdad

Natalia MarsicovetereInequality, Influencing, Rights

En marzo, el país estuvo a punto de aprobar una ley para prohibir el matrimonio igualitario y la educación sexual integral-LGBTQIA+ en las escuelas, así como para endurecer las penas por el aborto. En nuestra última entrada del blog sobre el mes del orgullo, Natalia Marsicovetere destaca la urgente necesidad de fortalecer la coalición por la justicia que logró poner freno a esta ley (English version below)

Guatemala’s attempted ban on LGBTQIA+ rights shows just how far we are from equality

Natalia MarsicovetereInequality, Influencing, Rights

In March, the country very nearly passed legislation to ban same-sex marriage and LGBTQIA+-inclusive sex education in schools – as well as increasing criminal penalties for abortion. In our latest blog for Pride month, Natalia Marsicovetere highlights the urgent need to build on the coalition for justice that stopped it

How the queer history of the Philippines inspires our struggle today

Cheng PagulayanGender, Influencing, Rights

In pre-colonial times, Indigenous communities respected the “babaylan”, or Filipino version of a shaman who sometimes crossed genders. Today, these healers are icons for LGBTQIA+ activists fighting to outlaw discrimination, says Cheng Pagulayan in our latest blog for Pride month

Faced with impossible healthcare costs, unsafe housing and rampant discrimination, Lebanon’s LGBTQIA+ people are in survival mode

May AchourHealth, Research, Rights

The price of a single therapy session is now half the monthly minimum wage and most LGBTQIA+ people face violence where they live. In the first in a series of blogs to mark Pride month, May Achour introduces two new Oxfam policy briefs on the state of healthcare and housing

Committed to Care: Towards a Feminist Future at the Generation Equality Forum

Amber ParkesGender, Rights

by Amar Nijhawan, Amber Parkes and Julie Thekkudan Generation Equality Forum: A blueprint for gender equality   “Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights” – a key refrain from the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995.  This was a galvanising moment for the women’s rights and feminist movement globally, putting forward a bold vision for the realisation …