Leadership in a global aid meltdown – top tips from 25 people who know

Duncan GreenAid, Humanitarian, In the news

Duncan Green shares some advice from humanitarian leaders in this bleak time for the sector – including talk more often to staff and partners, “watch the fog closely” and “don’t blabber” – and offers a couple of thoughts of his own. This post is taken from his new blog about activism, influencing and change, hosted by the LSE, which we’ll sharing highlights from here.

‘Be more Norway’: a model policy report on the UK’s international future

Duncan GreenGovernance, Influencing, Research

It’s time for the country to accept it is now an ‘offshore mid-sized power’, say the experienced ‘insider’ authors of radical proposals to reset the UK’s approach to international affairs. Duncan Green on key insights from The World in 2040: Renewing the UK’s Approach to International Affairs.

Lisa Nandy on the UK’s future development policy under Labour

Duncan GreenEvents, In the news, Influencing

‘People know better than we do’, the opposition party’s shadow minister for international development tells the Overseas Development Institute. Duncan Green on what he thinks her first major speech in post potentially means for UK policy and for the “development cluster” of academics, think-tanks and NGOs.

A twin mandate for DFID – what does this mean?

Multiple authorsAid, Inequality

Oxfam’s policy team present their vision for the UK’s aid programme to tackle both poverty and inequality. The Shadow Secretary of State for International Development used her first major speech to announce that any future Labour government would instate a dual poverty/inequality mandate for the Department for International Development (DFID). Oxfam has long warned of the risks of growing extreme …

Brexit and trade: An opportunity to do better

Pooja MallAid

Pooja Mall explores how Brexit can have a positive impact on trade policy and why it’s important to development.  Over a decade ago, Oxfam’s ‘Make Trade Fair’ campaign made the argument that many people in developing countries have been made worse off because the rules are rigged against them. It centred on eliminating the practice of dumping highly subsidised developed-country …