Want motivated workers who feel their rights are respected? You need a proper grievance mechanism

Monica RomisInnovation, Private sector, Rights

How can companies set up robust systems to ensure they hear and act on workers’ complaints and concerns? Monica Romis of the Oxfam Business Advisory Service introduces a new grievance mechanism toolkit developed for Reckitt that will help tackle discrimination and inequality throughout global supply chains

How the queer history of the Philippines inspires our struggle today

Cheng PagulayanGender, Influencing, Rights

In pre-colonial times, Indigenous communities respected the “babaylan”, or Filipino version of a shaman who sometimes crossed genders. Today, these healers are icons for LGBTQIA+ activists fighting to outlaw discrimination, says Cheng Pagulayan in our latest blog for Pride month

Four steps to transform women’s lives in coffee farming

Jiselle SteeleAgriculture, Gender, Women's Economic Empowerment

Jiselle Steele of the Oxfam Business Advisory Service (OBAS) explains how we are supporting the integration of a “gender transformative approach” into the policies and practices of the coffee industry – and invites you to a webinar next month to learn more

How can we create Feminist Futures?

Power in the Pandemic PodcastGender, Rights

This episode hosts a conversation recorded last September 2020 during a virtual encounter around Creating Feminist Futures. María Faciolince, our host and moderator, is joined by three visionary feminists from around the world: Crystal Simeoni (Director at Nawi: Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective), Meera Ghani (Policy coordinator at Ecolise, Co-founder of Moxie Consultancy Collective) and Maria José Moreno (Global Gender Justice Director at Oxfam International). One of the …

Girls Not Brides – weaving the ‘evidence quilt’ for gender transformative law reform

Anam ParvezGender, Rights, Violence Against Women and Girls

Positive prospects amid the pandemic  Girls have been given much reason to hope in the Philippines. This November, a historic first, the Senate unanimously approved the Girls Not Brides bill, which proposes to criminalize child marriage. Now the House of Representatives must take this life-saving measure across the finish line before the last step – a presidential veto or approval.   There are an estimated 726,000 child brides in the Philippines, making it the 12th highest in the world for child marriage in terms of …

Women’s land rights on paper are not enough

Pubudini WickramaratneGender, Land rights

Land is critical to our daily lives. It is intrinsically linked with our identity, dignity, livelihoods, food, housing, education and health. Secure land rights are essential to sustainable and equitable economic development as well as to social and political development. This holds true, especially for women.  For women to have secure land rights, the legal and policy framework must recognise …

Counting care: Everything you need to know about the new Household Care Survey toolkit

Amber ParkesReal Geek, Women's Economic Empowerment

‘What doesn’t get measured doesn’t get seen’. I’ve heard this phrase so many times but never has it felt truer than when it comes to unpaid care and domestic work. Unpaid care and domestic work is the vital work that keeps our societies and economies ticking, keeping us healthy, nourished and nurtured and keeping our homes clean and tidy. But …

Role models for the next generation: women and democracy in Morocco

Nikki van der GaagGender

We arrive in the village in Larache province in Morocco via several wrong turns and a long bumpy earth road that wasn’t really a road at all, to find a huge tent erected on a patch of grass. A large number of women are all shouting animatedly into a microphone. As we enter the tent, an older woman is speaking: …

Gender justice online: Changing ourselves, our organisations and our world

Jemma StringerGender

Oxfam has teamed up with Disaster Ready to provide a new online course on how Gender Justice impacts humanitarian and development work. Jemma Stringer introduces why a course such as this is so important in today’s climate.  Sign up for ‘Gender Justice: An Introduction’ at bit.ly/GenderJustice. The course is provided in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.  Wherever I go and whoever …