St. Valentine’s Day: Celebrating Healthy Relationships and Challenging Violence

Bethan CansfieldGender, Violence Against Women and Girls

This Saint Valentine’s Day, Bethan Cansfield and Lourdes Montero look at what it means to have a healthy relationship and how unhealthy ones may be formed. oday, many couples, in many countries will be celebrating Saint Valentine’s Day – or ‘El día de los enamorados’ (‘Day of Lovers’) in some Latin American countries. Whilst a chance to celebrate the spectrum …

Women leading in the peace

Caroline SweetmanFragile contexts, Gender, Gender & Development Journal, Governance

According to World Bank estimates of September 2016, two billion people live in countries where development outcomes are affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. By 2030, the share of global poor living in fragile and conflict-affected situations is projected to reach 46 per cent. Caroline Sweetman, Editor of Gender & Development, introduces us to the theme of gender in fragile …

Outed “locker room talk” is strengthening global movement to stop violence against women

Nikki van der GaagGender, Violence Against Women and Girls

Oxfam GB’s Director of Women’s Rights and Gender Justice Nikki van de Gaag, explores how the events surrounding the US Presidential campaign can help end violence against women around the world. Recent events have seen many people loudly expressing concern that after so many years of hard work on women’s rights, and rafts of legislation on gender-based violence, it is still …