Global South feminists know how our fixation with GDP hurts people and planet: it’s time to listen to them

Halima BegumGender, Power Shifts, Research

The world needs to stop relying on a metric that ignores two thirds of the work done by women and which promotes harmful policies, says Oxfam GB CEO Halima Begum. A new collection of feminist think pieces offers a compelling and inspirational tour of the arguments and pathways for moving Beyond GDP.

Poems, art and song: how our development journal tackled the theme of decolonising knowledge

Gender and Development editorsGender & Development Journal, Power Shifts, Research

The latest issue of the Oxfam-edited Gender & Development Journal embraces poets, artists and community activists alongside researchers as it shines a light on voices, experiences and modes of expression that are too often neglected and silenced.

Five things we need for a feminist economic future

Rachel NobleEconomics, Events, Gender

Why is debt a feminist issue? And why is it time to advance alternatives to GDP? Rachel Noble reports back from an inspiring gathering of the International Association for Feminist Economics in Cape Town.

Defying violence and repression, women are finding new ways to connect and campaign for human rights

Anandita GhoshGender & Development Journal, Research, Rights

Whether resisting oppressive laws in Zimbabwe, peacebuilding in the former Yugoslavia, or speaking up for migrants on the US-Mexico border, women are leading the push for rights across the globe. Anandita Ghosh introduces the latest issue of the Oxfam-edited Gender & Development Journal on “Women Human Rights Defenders”.

Governments know shockingly little about the millions of informal and unpaid women workers – and, in a world that undervalues their labour, that’s no accident

Alex BushGender, Research, Women's Economic Empowerment

Millions of unpaid care and informal workers too often live in poverty, face long hours with harsh conditions, and see their efforts dismissed as “not real work”. On International Workers’ Day, Alex Bush calls for those in power to find out much more about these women as a crucial first step to valuing their work.

Bread and roses – why we’re shining a light on feminist movements this March

Victoria StetskoGender, Inequality, Influencing

Victoria Stetsko introduces Oxfam’s “Feminist Power” campaign for International Women’s Day, where we’ll be celebrating organisations across the globe fighting for rights and respect for women and queer people

Women, Voice and Power: Making a Development Case for Transformative Feminist Leadership

Emily BrownGender, Participation and Leadership, Women's Economic Empowerment

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a terrifying reality worldwide, Southern feminist activists have organized together to provide both immediate local services and long-term support to those affected by poverty, violence and oppression. They have effectively organised environmental, anti-racist, labour, peace and political movements across communities to promote and protect women’s rights and social justice. Here is MADRE, for …

Committed to Care: Towards a Feminist Future at the Generation Equality Forum

Amber ParkesGender, Rights

by Amar Nijhawan, Amber Parkes and Julie Thekkudan Generation Equality Forum: A blueprint for gender equality   “Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights” – a key refrain from the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995.  This was a galvanising moment for the women’s rights and feminist movement globally, putting forward a bold vision for the realisation …