Global South feminists know how our fixation with GDP hurts people and planet: it’s time to listen to them

Halima BegumGender, Power Shifts, Research

The world needs to stop relying on a metric that ignores two thirds of the work done by women and which promotes harmful policies, says Oxfam GB CEO Halima Begum. A new collection of feminist think pieces offers a compelling and inspirational tour of the arguments and pathways for moving Beyond GDP.

It’s time to put care at the centre of our economics courses

Alex BushEconomics, Education, Influencing

The UK government’s Francis Review of the English school curriculum is an unprecedented chance to shift the national and global conversation on economics education: let’s not miss it, say Alex Bush and Jennifer Brandsberg-Engelmann. They explain why we need to change an economics curriculum which perpetuates narratives that are bad for people and planet and erase care work.

People before profits: why we need responsible businesses

Fiona JardenClimate Change, Events, Private sector

The future of business lies in being “regenerative by design” and looking for alternatives to the shareholder-first model. Fiona Jarden and Winne van Woerden share insights from last year’s Oxfam Novib forum about responsible business.

Let’s put a new deal for care at the heart of Lebanon’s recovery plan

Marwan IssaFragile contexts, Gender, Women's Economic Empowerment

Women are paying the price as the nation’s deep, economic crisis drives a surge in care work, says Marwan Issa

Five things we need for a feminist economic future

Rachel NobleEconomics, Events, Gender

Why is debt a feminist issue? And why is it time to advance alternatives to GDP? Rachel Noble reports back from an inspiring gathering of the International Association for Feminist Economics in Cape Town.

We need to talk about inequality in West Africa

Mohamadou Fadel DiopEconomics, Events, Inequality

As the African Union and regional economic communities gather to discuss their economies, the gulf between the rich and the rest in West Africa needs to be top of the agenda, says Mohamadou Fadel Diop – and that conversation must give serious attention to inequality-busting policies such as reversing austerity and debt cancellation.

Austerity is not the answer to Africa’s colliding crises: it’s time to invest massively in public services and decent jobs

Anthony KamandeDebt, Inequality, Research

Our continent faces droughts and spiking prices that are pushing millions into hunger and poverty, a debt crisis and the ongoing pandemic. So why are countries cutting billions in spending? Anthony Kamande introduces a new Oxfam Pan Africa briefing based on our index that scores governments on how committed they are to cutting inequality

Challenges to Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in the MENA Region

Giada CicognolaInnovation, Livelihoods, Youth employment

Social entrepreneurship (SE) has gained significant interest and recognition in the past few years. Social entrepreneurs are tackling social and environmental challenges with innovative sustainable solutions, thus combining business with social impact. Social entrepreneurship in the southern Mediterranean region has the potential to invigorate local economies as well as to promote regional stability by activating positive synergies among economic sectors and …

Lessons in innovative financing for creating employment in the Middle East and North Africa

Ahmed ElassalLivelihoods, Women's Economic Empowerment, Youth employment

Background Emerging market economies face a significant credit gap and access to finance is considered the biggest obstacle for enterprises. Banks have been the traditional source of funding, but the financial crisis has led banks to be even more reluctant, which is creating an active debate about the importance of broadening the range of funding options available beyond banks. Such …